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#215 : Conflit de générations

Loïs fait des cauchemars à propos de ses parents, Victor et Ida, qui viennent lui rendre visite par surprise et mettent la famille dans l'agitation. Pas seulement du fait de leur présence, mais à cause d'une promesse concernant un réfrigérateur. Lois et Hal vont être obligés de travailler deux fois plus !...


3.86 - 7 votes

Titre VO
The Grandparents

Titre VF
Conflit de générations

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Francis est malade.

Francis est malade.

Reese et Dewey prennent leur petit déjeuner.

Reese et Dewey prennent leur petit déjeuner.

Malcolm prend son petit déjeuner.

Malcolm prend son petit déjeuner.

Plus de détails

La famille prend le petit déjeuner, mais il y a quelques poils dans leurs pancakes. On voit alors Hal au fourneaux qui se gratte le dos avec la spatule, des pancakes.


Le frigo tombe une fois de plus en panne, (flash-back sur les exploits des garçons qui cassent plusieurs fois le frigo) soudain les parents de Lois débarque. Ce qui n'enchante guère la famille. Hal est détesté par ses beaux parents et Dewey lui est traumatisé par ses grands parents.

Francis a une idée géniale, il souhaite se rendre avec ses camarades de l'école militaire, à la nouvelle Orléans pour un week-end de fêtes et de débauche. Mais arrivé là bas, Francis est cloué au lit à cause d'une intoxication alimentaire.

Pendant le repas, Victor propose de lui offrir un frigo, elle refuse dans un premier temps, mais Hal souhaite se sacrifié et veut accepter l'offre de son beau père.

Malcolm ne comprend pas pourquoi, Victor son grand père, ne l'aime pas. Et pourquoi il adore Reese. Il demande à Francis conseil, mais son frère lui dit de laisser faire, leur grand parents sont des personnes sans cœur et cruels.

Quand Lois se rend compte, que son père ne veut plus lui donné l'argent pour le frigo, elle frise la crise. En effet, Hal a déjà acheté le frigo et ne peut plus le rapporter. Le couple est obligé de faire des heures supplémentaires au travail, afin de payer leur dettes. A contre cœur, il demande à Victor et Ida de rester plus longtemps à la maison, pour garder les enfants.

Francis ne peut pas participé à la fête, il tente une petite sortie mais finit par vomir et à retourné se coucher.

Par la faute de Ida, Malcolm se fait frapper par une bande de petites brutes. Lois lui demande ce qu'il s'est passé, mais il refuse d'en parler.

Lois et Hal sont exténués par le travail et ils se disputent. Hal reproche à Lois de ne pas aimer le frigo. Elle lui confirme qu'elle le déteste. Hal ne le supporte pas et il s'en va dormir dans le garage.

Ida tente d'endurcir Malcolm, il s'énerve et lui demande de ne plus lui adresser la parole et de le laisser tranquille. Victor offre ses anciennes affaires de guerre à Reese, mais son petit fils dégoupille une vrai grenade. En panique, Reese lâche la grenade sur la table. Malcolm finit par l'attraper et à la jeter dans le frigo.

Lois n'en croit pas ses yeux et crie sur ses parents, Ida lui remonte les bretelles en russe et Lois capitule. Hal décide d'arranger les choses, il demande à sa femme et a ses enfants de le laisser seul avec ses beaux parents. Sachant qu'il peut faire enfermés Victor, il le fait chanter. 3000 dollars pour effacer leurs dettes et surtout qu'il s'en aille contre son silence. Ses beaux parents acceptent et s'en vont.

Le week-end est terminé, mais Francis refuse de partir sans en avoir eu plein la vue. La femme de chambre lui montre alors sa poitrine et lui demande si elle peut enfin faire la chambre. Francis lui dit oui et il s'en va encore un peu triste... 


Conflit de générations

Hal cooks the boys hairy pancakes for breakfast.

Malcolm: Great pancakes, Dad.

Hal (shaving shoulders): Oh, thanks. Hey, who's ready for seconds?

Dewey: (pulls hair off pancake) I am.

Lois is at the table looking over the family's bills. Hal comes in.

Lois: So, which one of these pinks do you want to let float this month? Cable or Visa?

Hal: Oh, we can probably go without Cable. It might be fun, we can get together as

a family, play board games, sing songs.

Lois: Ok, you've made your point. We'll pay the Cable.

Hal: Oh, for crying out loud, the freezer's out again (takes something out)

Lois: What? We've just had that fixed!

Hal: Oh, stupid piece of junk (hits freezer)

Lois: Oh! (takes something out)

Hal: It's only five years old, how could it keep breaking down?

Cut to flashback clips: Boys playing Hockey in the kitchen; Malcolm hits ball into open

refrigerator and it smashes the light.

Reese swings on freezer door and the fridge falls down onto him

Dewey attaches something to the fridge with a hammer

Cut back to Hal and Lois cleaning out the freezer.

Hal: I'll go and get the ice - from the garage. Providing that still works.

Reese (enters kitchen with Malcolm) Nuh-uh!

Malcolm: Uh-huh!

Reese: We'll let Mom settle this! The loser licks the tub drain.

Malcolm: Deal! Mom, who's tongue's longer? (Both stick their

tongues out)

Lois: Oh. (knocking on window in background)

Grandpa Victor: Are you going to let us stand out here all day?

Lois: Mom! Dad!

Hal: (runs inside) Oh my god! Honey, your parents are here!

Lois: Dewey, your grandparents are here! (opens door) Hey!

Come on in.

Hal: Well, this is certainly unexpected. What brings you all

the way down from Canada?

Grandpa Victor (looks at Reese) : Wait a minute. This can't be Reese!

Reese: Yup.

Grandpa Victor: What's the matter with you? Did you clean behind your

ears? (pulls out a five dollar note from behind

Reese's ear and gives it to him) Look what I found!

Reese: Ha-ha! Five bucks? Thanks Grandpa! (shows it to


Malcolm: So, Grandpa, did you have a nice drive down?

Grandpa Victor: Huh?

Malcolm: (Raises voice) I said, did you have a nice drive-

Grandpa Victor: Can't hear this one, he sounds like girl!

Lois: So, you just decided to hop in the car and drive on

down from Canada without calling ahead, huh? How fun!

Hal: Yeah! How long do you think you'll be staying?

Grandma Ida: If we're such big inconvenience, we'll go right now!

Hal and Lois: Oh no-no-no-no-no!

Hal: Please!

Lois: Don't be silly! (Sees Dewey) Oh, Dewey, you remember

your Grandparents, don't you, sweetie? (Dewey looks


Cut to flashback clip. Ida and Victor are standing over Dewey's crib. Dewey is crying.

Grandpa Victor: He needs changing.

Grandma Ida: He always needs changing. You change him.

Grandpa Victor: Let him sit, that will teach him. He smells.

Grandma Ida (kicks Dewey (off-screen) and Dewey cries) That's what

happens to little boys who squirm.

Cut back to Dewey, who runs off down the hall.

Cut to Marlin Academy, where Francis and the other cadets are watching a news bulletin about

the upcoming Mardi Gras.

Reporter: It's estimated that as many as thirty thousand people

have descended on New Orleans to join in the Annual

Mardi Gras festivities. At this hour, Police have been...

Eric: Look at those animals going berserk! Tearing each

other's clothes off! Those are people with no respect

for authority!

Francis: Eric's right, that could be us! If we left right now, we

could be in New Orleans in five hours!

Drew: How're we going to get there?

Stanley: And where are we gonna stay?

Francis: Gentlemen, you quibble with me about logistics when I

am offering you forty-eight hours of non-stop

debauchery? This could be the greatest weekend of our


Cut to hotel room where Francis is lying on his bed, sick.

Eric: Damn, Francis, you should have known better than to

eat Sushi from a truck stop!

Stanley: Hey, the cashier said the yellow-tail was fresh! Besides,

my octopus was excellent!

Francis: Can we not talk about the fish please?

Drew: Guys! It's like a war zone out there! There's looming,

riding, and now the cops are turning a fire hose on the


All guys: Wet tee-shirts (all run outside leaving Francis alone)

Cut back to Wilkersons' house. The family are eating dinner. Grandma Ida is smoking.

Lois: Sorry about the take-out, I don't know what the deal

is with the fridge.

Grandpa Victor: What do you expect? That brand is the short cut!

Grandma Ida: (looks at Dewey who is eating a big slice of pizza) That's it. Fatten up on pizza.

Good luck running when they come with the dogs and

chase you into the hill!

Hal: I think it's great you're able to just hit the road,

without a care in the world, huh? Oh, right. (leans over

and raises voice) With me, I'm always thinking about

things back home. You know, did I leave the stove on, is

the iron plugged in? I once heard of a fire being caused

by a mouse chewing through an -

Grandpa Victor (cutting Hal off) Where's my coffee?

Lois: It's right here Dad. Just the way you like it. Mom, I really

wish you'd put out that cigarette, it's not good for the


Grandma Ida: What, do you think it will stop their growth? You turned

out big enough!

Grandpa Victor (watching Reese eat) Look at him eat! Like animal! Not like Mr Pizza, with

knife and fork!

Lois: Now, Dad, since the last time you were here, uh,

Malcolm has been put into a special class.

Grandpa Victor: I'm not surprised.

Lois: No-no-no-no-no, it's a, it's an advanced class, it's very

challenging work. Tell him, Malcolm.

Malcolm: Well, today we finished reading Grapes of Wrath, and

we're studying advanced Algebra.

Grandpa Victor: What is that? Shout at me! I don't study Algebra! That's

because I was at the war when I was your age! What

good is Math in war, huh? (He and Hal both reach for the

last piece of pizza) When you can provide for your family

you can have last piece of pizza! (takes a bite)

Lois: Dad, Hal provides for us just fine!

Hal: Which isn't easy when someone's hogging all the pizza!

Grandpa Victor: You can't even keep food in the house for my

grandchild! You call that providing?

Lois: We will get the refrigerator fixed!

Grandpa Victor: For what? So it can break again? What does a new one

cost? Seven, eight hundred dollars? I give you eight

hundred dollars to buy a new one!

Grandma Ida: Thank god our generation knew to save our money! To

hold on to it, not throw it away on things like toys and

dolls. I dressed a piece of wood, and I was happy!

Lois: We will not take your money!

Grandpa Victor: Of course you will! We love you too much to stand by

and watch your children grow up ashamed of you! This

is what family is for!

Cut to the Mardi Gras festivities in New Orleans.

Francis (on phone): Listen, I need to know what Mom used to put in the hot

tea when we were sick. Is she around?

Malcolm: I think she's changing the sheets on their bed. Grandma

and Grandpa are here.

Francis: Oh, you're kidding! Did they knock, or did you just get

their car clatter up the driveway?

Malcolm: I can't be sure, but I think Grandpa spit at me.

Francis: Look, don't take it personally. They're prime evil

creatures with little hearts.

Malcolm: Yeah, but there must be some reason -

Francis: Malcolm, they have stupid lizard brains. They're

threatened by anyone with an ounce of ambition or

intelligence. They'd eat you if they had better teeth.

Grandpa: This one always on phone.

Francis: That's Grandpa, isn't it? Tell him I said he's a malevolent

poisonous troll.

Malcolm (to Grandpa Victor) Francis says hi.

Grandpa: Oh good, the link one.

Malcolm: He says hi back.

Cut to the boys' bedroom where Hal and Lois are in the double bed, talking.

Lois: No. Absolutely not. I will not let you take their money.

Hal: Why not?

Lois: Because they'll never let you forget that they had to

give you eight hundred dollars. They'll use it to try to

humiliate you.

Hal: They do that now! Lois, come on, I know what your

folks think of me. We need the fridge! We can't store the

meat on the porch forever. We're big enough to take one

for the team. (Hal and Lois look at each other) What?

Lois: You're better than all of us. (kisses Hal)

Hal: Awww (they bump a toy and it makes a noise)

Lois: (turns away from Hal) we can't do this on Dewey's bed.

(puts her head up) Reese's looks ok. (they get up)

Cut to kitchen the next day where Dewey is getting a drink of juice with ice from the new fridge.

Dewey: Thank you.

Hal: (reading fridge manual): Oh. Do you know this thing

makes ice cubes in both circular and crescent shapes?

How do they expect people to decide?

Lois: Well it's nice to have something in the house that works!

Hal: Yeah. You know, maybe in their dark, twisted world, this

is how your parents show love. (Grandpa Victor enters)

Hey, Victor! Pretty cool, huh? With descending colours

and frame. What's great?

Lois: Uh, listen Dad, I just mailed off the mortgage and car

payments, and what with buying the new refrigerator and

all, we should probably get that cheque from you right


Grandpa Victor: About that, your mother and I decided it's no good for

family to give money to family. Always ends badly.


Lois (going into boys bedroom with Hal) How can they do

this? How can they offer all this money then pretend it

never happened, oh, I am going to kill them! I swear, I'm

going to break their necks like chickens!

Hal: That is not going to pay off the debt, Lois. Unless you're

a beneficiary in some sort of life insurance policy. What

am I saying? Look, look-

Lois: Why don't we just return the refrigerator?

Hal: I can't, I bought it on sale.

Lois: Oh Hal, what are we going to do?

Hal: What choice do we have? For the next couple of weeks

until we get caught back up, we're just going to have to

work a ton of overtime.

Lois: Oh, really? And who's going to look after the kids?

Cut to Hal and Lois in the lounge with the grandparents.

Lois: So we thought the perfect thing might be, if you could

stay a little longer and keep an eye on the kids.

Grandpa Victor: I don't know. Your mother and I should go.

Grandma Ida: This has tension.

Lois: (pretending to laugh) No! Oh no-no-no-no, there's no

tension, we just uh - we have a couple of hectic weeks

coming up, and we just hope that you could stay a little


Grandpa Victor: Of course. We'll do anything for you. We are the family.

Hal: Oh, Dewey, hey, guess what? Grandma and Grandpa

are going to stay and watch you guys for the next couple

of weeks. (Dewey looks scared)

Cut to flashback clip. Dewey is a toddler, and he is riding across the driveway on his bike.

Grandpa Victor backs out of the driveway in the car, without checking where Dewey is. Dewey

quickly jumps off the bike and runs away, just in time for Grandpa Victor to run over the bike and

drive off down the road, dragging it underneath the car.

Cut back to Dewey, who runs off outside.

Cut to the Mardi Gras festivities in Alaska.

Drew: How you doing, Francis?

Francis: I need a doctor!

Drew: We've got you something better, man. We got you

BEADS! (the other guys laugh)

Eric: You won't believe it out there, Francis. There's beer,

and the women take their tops off when you give ‘em


Drew: Is it possible we crashed our car on the way down here

and died in winter heaven?

Francis: I welcome death right now!

Stanley: I can't believe this is you talking, Francis! You're our

leader! If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't even be here!

Francis: You're right. This is Mardi Gras! I can do this! (gets up)

Other guys: Yeah!

Francis: Give me those beads!

Other guys: Yeah! Come on, yeah! Francis! Francis! Francis!

Francis! (all go outside)

Cut to hotel room where the cadets are carrying Francis back to his bed after he has thrown up.

Drew: Thank god we got a hotel with a drain in the hallway!

Cut to the Wilkersons' house. Grandpa Victor and Reese arrive home with ice creams.

Grandpa Victor: We're back. (looks around) Still no parents. They go to

work all the time and leave their children!

Malcolm: Hey! I want an ice cream!

Reese: I don't blame you.

Malcolm: Why do they always do that? They take you for ice

cream and stuff, and never ask me!

Reese: I've thought about that. And I think they see you as a

protector of the blood line. If the future's half as bad as

Grandpa and I suspect, the only survivors are going to

be mutants, cockroaches, and me. All living underwater.

Let's face it. We're backing the winner. Oh man. I'm

stuffed. I shouldn't have had a second one (runs off)

Cut to street where Grandma Ida is crossing the road and Malcolm jogs after her. She stops and

leans over, coughing.

Malcolm: Are you ok, Grandma? Cause, I can carry your purse for

you. Or, maybe your Whisky.

Grandma Ida: I was flying on a boll guard with my bare hands. (stands


Malcolm: Just asking. So, I studied about your country in school.

Grandma Ida: Always at the books! You won't know what happened

when you get eye cancer!

Malcolm: No, really! I found the vote law very interesting. And the

history, the war revolution. It must have been very hard

for you growing up.

Grandma Ida: It was. Very hard. (Offers Malcolm whisky bottle) Have a


Malcolm: Maybe later.

(Group of boys walk boy)

Boy #1: Hey, look at the mama's boy! (all laugh)

Grandma Ida: You gonna take that?

Malcolm: What?

Grandma Ida (turns Malcolm to face boys) Hey, you boys! Come back

here and say that!

Malcolm: Grandma, what are you doing? (boys approach them)

Boy #1: Who's this? You've got your own bodyguard?

Malcolm: No, no, it's ok. She's kidding! (boys turn and walk away)

Grandma Ida picks up a brick and throws it, hitting the boy in the head.

Boy #1: OW! (boys angrily head back towards Malcolm)

Malcolm: Grandma..... oh jeez!

Cut to the bathroom, where Lois is treating Malcolm's head wound.

Lois: I don't know why you won't tell me who did this. You

know, there's no honour in protecting a bully. Ok, it's

your face.

Malcolm: Mom, do you....do you, like your parents?

Lois: Doesn't matter how I feel about ‘em. It's not like I can

trade ‘em in for someone else. You can't pick your

parents. You're pretty much stuck with who you get.

Malcolm: I know.

Lois: Anyway, they're certainly not gonna change. If things

get difficult, at least we can be grateful that soon they'll

be gone.

Malcolm: Back to normal.

Lois: Yeah, that's what I meant.

Cut to Hal in the kitchen late at night, doing an experiment with ice cubes from the new fridge.

Hal: Oh. Never thought I'd beat you home.

Lois: Oh, they had to keep both registers open till midnight.

What kind of idiot needs a beach ball at eleven o'clock at

night? Make the kids' lunches?

Hal: Oh, right, no, not yet, I've been kinda tied up here, you

know, I discovered something kind of interesting. Now, it

appears the circular cubes cool quicker, but the crescent

ones longer.

Lois: Oh, for god's sake Hal, would you quit playing around?

That is a rectal thermometer!

Hal: I'm gonna go brush my teeth. (stands up)

Lois: You know, I ask you to do one simple thing. I can't do it

all myself, you know. (walks into boys' room and sits

down on bed. Hal joins her and closes the door)

Hal: Hey. Are you upset about something?

Lois: Look, I'm tired. I just got off a double shift, I want to go to


Hal: Sure. You just seemed a little snappish about the


Lois: Because I'm tired of you not helping out around here!

Hal: All right Lois. I know we're both a little raw from the last

five days, but there's no reason to dump your

frustration with your parents onto me!

Lois: On you?

Hal: Oh yes, because that's what this is all about, you're

angry at them, and you're displacing your anger onto

me, I mean it is classic!

Lois: Oh, I'm displacing, am I? You're focussing all your

attention on that enstracity in the kitchen!

Hal: I knew it! You don't like the refrigerator!

Lois: I hate that refrigerator! I hate its tubular handles, I hate

the way it keeps the butter, I hate that when I'm trying

to sleep, I can hear it whirring!

Hal: Oh no, you can't!

Lois: Yes, yes I can!

Hal: No, not the Fifty-One Hundred! That motor housing is

four layers thick, Lois, four layers!

Lois: And it keeps things too cold!

Hal: That is unbounded criticism, Lois. Unbounded and

unfair, and until you apologise, I will be in the garage.

Grandma Ida (through wall) I told you there was tension.

Cut to backyard the next day, where Grandma Ida is sitting on a seat smoking. Malcolm comes

out with a book.

Malcolm: Grandma, have you ever wanted to know if you could -

(Grandma Ida hits him in the face) Ow, what was that


Grandma Ida: See, you're not even trying to defend yourself. Why you

so weak?

Malcolm: I wasn't expecting for you to hit me!

Grandma Ida: That was a pounding one! When a kid's at your door in

the middle of the night! (hits Malcolm again)

Malcolm: Ow! Grandma, stop this!

Grandma Ida: Come on. Show me what you got, come on!

Malcolm: Grandma I'm not going to hit you. (TC) a kid should

never have to say that!

Grandma: So how you going to fight those people when they put

you in the truck and take you away, you going to read to

them? You going to impress them to death with your

giant know-it-all brain? (hits Malcolm again)

Malcolm: Look! I'm smart, ok? That's who I am! And if you don't

like the fact that I'm taking high school math, and

reading great books, well too bad! Because I'm going to

be successful, and maybe even rich! Because I AM

smart, ok? So just leave me alone! And I'm going to be

just fine! (walks into pole and injures eye)

Grandma Ida: HA! I warned you about the eyes!

Cut to Grandpa Victor and Reese entering Hal and Lois's bedroom.

Reese: What's this about?

Grandpa Victor: I want to show you something. Something just for you. I

have waited many years for this moment. But now that

you are old enough, I want to give you something close

to my heart. (we see a close up of his war equipment)

Reese: Wow! Is this stuff real?

Grandpa Victor: From the big war!

Reese: Wow! Is this a real gas mask?

Grandpa Victor: Gas mask, yes. Field glasses. Chocolate cake rations.

You get yourself nice girl with this, I tell you.

Reese: This is so awesome, Grandpa! You're the best! This is

so cool! (pulls pin from a grenade)


Reese: What?



Reese: I don't wanna die!

Grandpa Victor: Don't let go and you won't! We have to find the pin! Find

the pin, put the pin back in! And then everything would

be fine! (they run into the kitchen)

Malcolm: What's going on?

Reese: Grandpa gave me a live grenade! It's really cool, you

want to hold it?

Grandpa Victor: No, no, no, no, it's for you, not him.

Malcolm: Oh my god, we have to call the Police!

Grandpa: No, no Police. No Police! Please! There is no need to


Malcolm: Yes there is! You gave Reese a live grenade, and he's a

total idiot!

Reese: He's right, I am! I don't think I should have it any more!


Grandpa Victor: No, no, you hold onto that!

Reese: No, I'm tired of this game, one thing I really want to do is

go lie down now. (tries to let go and the grenade lands

on the table. Malcolm quickly throws it into the fridge

then they all run outside, to find Hal arriving home.

Grandpa Victor: Hello! (Grenade explodes inside)

Hal: What was that?

Grandpa: What was what? (Heads into street then runs away)

Cut to kitchen, where the grandparents and the boys are standing in front of Lois, who is furious.


Grandpa Victor: We can't be sure.

Reese: Grandpa gave me a live grenade! And it was going to

blow up! And I didn't mean to drop it! But Malcolm

put it in the fridge!

Lois: You gave my son a live grenade? YOU BROUGHT LIVE




Grandma Ida: You don't ever talk to us like that, you hear me?

Lois: I just - I just - I -

Hal: All right, Lois, take the boys in the other room. Now! (to

Grandparents) Why don't we sit down (they sit down)

First off, I am not here to sort out the complicated

relationship you have with the woman I love. It's not my

place. And I know it would be folly to try and put a price

on the deep psychological trauma you have caused Lois

through the years. But let me take a stab at it anyway.

Three thousand dollars sound ok to you?

Grandpa Victor: What?

Hal: Well, that would pretty much cover the fridge and

collateral damage, maybe pay off a few credit cards, and

finally get the transmission fixed in my car.

Grandpa Victor: Because of what just happened? You want us to loan

you three thousand dollars?

Hal: Please. I know you're uncomfortable lending to family,

so let's be clear. (stands up and leans towards them)

with one phone call, I could have your asses thrown in

jail for child endangerment. So, this money I'm asking

for, it's not a loan. It's blackmail.

Grandma: You're like your brother. Must live all over again.

Cut to hotel in New Orleans, where the cadets are preparing to leave.

Eric: Come on, Francis. We've gotta hit the road, or we're not

gonna make bed check.

Francis: I don't care. I came all the way to New Orleans, I've got

all these beads, I'm not leaving until I get some action!

(Cut to a lady in a blue dress)

Lady: Now if you don't mind, I need the room.

Francis: Ok, I'm going.

Kikavu ?

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Sachez aussi que vous pouvez toujours voter au sondage !! Bon 1er mai à tous !

ShanInXYZ, 01.05.2024 à 17:45

Nouveau mois sur le quartier Doctor Who, calendrier, PDM, Sondage, Survivor et toutes les infos sur la saison qui arrive, passez voir le Docteur

Supersympa, Avant-hier à 21:24

Bonsoir à toutes et tous ! Nouveau mois sur les quartiers Alias, Angel, Citadel, Dollhouse et The L Word.

ptitebones, Hier à 23:59

Des nouvelles d'Emily ! Venez découvrir sur le quartier la date de retour de notre américaine à Paris !

Viens chatter !